April 2025 Business & Breakfast featuring, Taylor Worley, Georgia Ports Authority, Presented by Piedmont Athens Regional

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Name: April 2025 Business & Breakfast featuring, Taylor Worley, Georgia Ports Authority, Presented by Piedmont Athens Regional
Date: April 2, 2025
Time: 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM EDT
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:

Join us for the April

Business & Breakfast
Taylor Worley, Georgia Ports Authority


Held the first Wednesday of every month, Business & Breakfast is the Jackson Chamber's monthly membership meeting featuring guest speakers presenting topics and discussing issues that are important to businesses and the community. There are no meetings held in January or July.

Platinum Host Sponsor at $600 per month – available for up to two businesses per month 
Benefits for Platinum Host Sponsors—
One-minute commercial from company representative at sponsored event 
Logo exposure on each month’s event agenda
Logo exposure in the chamber’s Newsday Tuesday E-Newsletter
Logo exposure in Business & Breakfast broadcast emails 
Logo exposure on the chamber website with link to sponsor URL
Display table at sponsored event
Logo exposure in PowerPoint at event and at sponsored event
Opportunity to place promotional materials at each seat/table at sponsored event
Five (5) admissions to sponsored breakfast (must RSVP each month)
Gold Sponsors at $300 – multiple sponsorships available (talk to chamber staff for special pricing for signing up for multiple months)
Benefits for Gold Sponsors—
30-second “elevator speech” from company representative at the podium 
Name exposure in Business & Breakfast broadcast emails 
Display table at sponsored event
Logo exposure in PowerPoint at event 
Three (3) admissions to sponsored breakfast
Bronze Sponsors $150 - multiple available
Benefits for Bronze Sponsors-
Announced at event as a sponsor
Name exposure in PowerPoint at event 
Name exposure in broadcast emails
Jackson County Agricultural Facility
1869 County Farm Rd
Jefferson, GA 30548
Date/Time Information:

7:30 a.m. - Doors Open & Networking
8:00 a.m. - Program begins

Contact Information:
Brooke Lowden
$20 - Chamber Members
$30 - Non-members
Online Registration Required
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